Provide Help to Paratrooper Veterans and Families:
Financial Assistance
Possible assistance with Bills
Help with the Veterans Administration
Grief Counseling
Morale enhancing programs: teaching disabled veterans to fly fish (for example); taking disabled veterans motorcycle riding, and other activities
Connect with other veteran organizations and social services that will help address the veteran's needs
Other assistance as determined by the Chapter members
St. Michael's All Airborne Chapter assisted:
Our largest support over the last two years was provided to a young 101st Airborne Division Veteran and his family, Brian Barnes. Our Chapter orchestrated/raised and provided support exceeding $16,000 for such necessities as housing at Duke Hospital for Brian and his mother during his bone marrow transplants/chemo, clothing, apartment expenses after leaving Duke, furnishings, utility deposits, and many other related expenses.
We provided $2,500 directly to the Lung Health Institute in Nashville, TN to help the spouse of a 100% Disabled Veteran who required stem cell treatment for a rare lung disease.
We paid $500 towards the funeral of the child of a 100% disabled Veteran who did not have adequate funding to pay for a respectable funeral and burial.
We purchased 82nd Airborne Division medals of accomplishment to present to North Carolina JROTC students who performed outstanding support to our Veterans throughout the state of NC.
We have “adopted” numerous deployed platoons of Soldiers from Fort Bragg over the past several years, and provided them with periodic care packages during their deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.
We purchased a new recliner to a needy, disabled Veteran who had half his tongue and parts of his throat removed. This provided this Veteran with a comfortable environment until his recent death.
We assisted with funeral expenses for a 101 year old Paratrooper Veteran who made all 4 combat jumps with the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II. Without our help, this Veteran and American hero would not have had the funeral he so richly deserved. We also coordinated an 18 man funeral detail that was provided by the 82nd Airborne Division to ensure he received full military honors.
We provided donations to Fort Bragg to assist young enlisted families who were impacted by various hurricanes over the last 2 years. These funds replaced food items that were lost during power outages, as well as assisting with non-insured losses during the flooding.
We assisted an Airborne veteran in Texas who was impacted by the super hard freeze in early 2021, and had his pipes freeze and burst. He has 4 young children and cash-strapped. We paid for his entire repair bill.
We assisted financially in making a vehicle payment of a 100% disabled Veteran who the Veterans Administration erroneously reduced to 10%. We also worked with the VA to rectify the mistake, however it took 3 months to rectify and the disabled veteran would have had his only vehicle repossessed had we not provided help.

One of our latest ventures is providing funding for Brian’s daughter Lillian to attend college. We are working with the State Veterans Administration in NC, as well as the Federal VA, and we are certain that, as the child of a 100% disabled Veteran, she will receive scholarship money for tuition and books from these organizations if she attends a NC college or university. However, our commitment to Brian before he died was to ensure all her college related costs were taken care of. As such, we have created a Lillian Barnes Scholarship fund that will accumulate enough for this purpose. As of now, we are well on our way to achieving this goal before she enters college.

We donated $1,000 to support low-ranking enlisted families at Fort Bragg to provide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. The 82nd Airborne Division Chaplain identified deserving families throughout the Division and provided turkeys with all the “fixings” to these great families. Our Chapter donates annually to this cause.

The West Family and the St Michael’s All Airborne Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Association have teamed together to host the annual HOOAH. OORAH, ALL THE WAY Road Race to raise funds and awareness to the needs of Veterans and Veteran Families.